>> Mike
>> Yes, this is extensively based on Aristotle's "Golden Mean"
>> The input-output flowchart is shown appended below...
>> The details are described at
>> http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/fairhaven/specs.html
>> (the last half)
>> This is the real deal .... the ultimate TOE of friendly AI communication

> John,
> It seems to me like to be "real AGI" you have skipped over the parts of
> Aristotle more applicable to AGI, like his metaphysics and logic.  For
> example in the metaphysics he talks about beginning and end, causes,
> continuous/discrete, and this type of thing.   At first glance it looks
> like your invention starts with ethics; why not build atop a metaphysics
> base?  I'm not going to pass a judgement on your work but it seems like
> it's not going over well here with the crowd that has dealt with patent
> law.  From my perspective I guess I don't like the idea of patenting some
> automation of Aristotle unless it was in a kind of production-ready state
> (ie., beyond mere concept stage).
> MIke

John replies

Aristotle's Metaphysics is 2500 years out of date (unlike his ethics)
He thought the brain operated as a Radiator !!

I do incorporate his principles of Inductive Inference within the title of my 

But philosophy is a shaky foundation, so I rather substitute the Science
of Behaviorism as my primary foundation as described at


Through these instinctual principles of operant conditioning, it even
proves possible to extend and establish links to the physical realm (the neural 
organization of the brain)

see  http://www.forebrain.org 

Hope this helps

John L

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