
>every kind of representation, not just mathematical and logical and 
>linguistic, but everything - visual, aural, solid, models, embodied etc etc. 
>There is a vast range. That means also every subject domain  - artistic, 
>historical, scientific, philosophical, technological, politics, business etc

Developers need to find a way how to represent data we get through our
senses, but that does not necessarily mean that for example audio data
need to be perceived as audio in order to be useful for general
problem solving.

>the subject of general intelligence is tberefore, in no way, just the property 
>of a small community of programmers, or roboticists - it's the property of all 
>the sciences, incl. neuroscience, psychology, semiology, developmental 
>psychology, AND the arts and philosophy etc. etc. And it can only be a 
>collaborative effort.

For teaching AGI - it's good to get experts from *many* domains.
For design & development - experts from few domains are IMO good enough.

>The idea that general intelligence really could be anything else but truly 
>general is, I suggest, if you really think about it, absurd. It's like 
>preaching universal brotherhood, and a global society, and then practising 
>severe racism.

View GI as powerful problem solving or so and move on. How well the
system solves problems - that's what counts (not how it's labeled &
endless arguing about GI definitions).

>You're actually practising a highly specialised approach to AGI - only certain 
>kinds of representation, only certain kinds of problems are considered - 
>basically the ones you were taught and are comfortable with - a very, very 
>narrow range

As I mentioned before, the representation needs to reflect what we get
through senses and the practical approaches need to be based on
available technology. If you think you have breakthrough ideas then be

>When I recently suggested an in fact brilliant game for producing creative 
>metaphors, DZ considered it "childish,"

I did not read that one.. cannot comment on it [now]..

>In over 2000 years, logic and mathematics haven't produced a single metaphor 
>or analogy or crossed any domains.


>But the arts produce metaphors and analogies on a daily basis by the thousands.

That certainly can be coded.

>general intelligence really should be general, and embrace the whole of 
>culture and intelligence, not just the very narrow sections you guys espouse.

Many of us here are thinking hard about how to develop non-narrow AI.

>most of you, frankly, don't have much of a clue about 
>imaginative/visual/artistic intelligence

I understand that a particular problem solving may require nD
model(s), but can you please give me an example of a problem solved by
"artistic intelligence" that could not be solved by non-"artistic

>and then just possibly you won't find me quite so upsetting

I'm not upset. In these days, I'm getting here to relax ;-).


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