John LaMuth wrote:

Consc. by nature is subjective ...

Can never prove this in a machine -- or other human beings for that matter
Yes you can. This is a fallacy. You can prove it in humans and you can prove it in a machine. You simply demand it do science. Not simple - but possible. I have written this up.
Should be published this year? Not sure.

We are underutilizing about 4 Billion + human Cons's on the earth today

What goal -- besides vanity -- is there to simulate this mechanically ??

We need to simulate communication, if anything at all ...

John L
The practical mission for me is not human-level AGI.
I aim merely for A-fauna that is adaptive like biology is adaptive.
I target markets where natural fauna struggles or where normal solutions are damaging. The rationale for creating human level AGI will be decided by forces yet to be determined. Relentless, tireless home help for the aged might be one case.


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