David Hart wrote:
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 5:52 PM, Colin Hales <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    So you'll just have to wait. Sorry. I also have patent/IP issues.

Exactly what qualia am I expected to feel when you say the words 'Intellectual Property'? (that's a rhetorical question, just in case there was any doubt!)

I'd like to suggest that the COMP=false thread be considered a completely mis-placed, undebatable and dead topic on the AGI list. Maybe people who like Chinese Rooms will sign up for the new COMP=false list...

The attendees here would like to be involved in the parenthood of real AGI, yes?

I am being rather forthright in scientifically suggesting an approach to that outcome focussed entirely on COMP may not achieve that goal, and that a diversity of views is needed...and I have a non-COMP approach which is possibly a way to AGI.

I know may claims have not been scientifically backed up. I will fix that.

The fact is - COMP has already been refuted twice in print. I will be adding 2 more refutations. That is already 2 counts that make term COMP-AGI an oxymoron. COMP was always a conjecture and has never been proven. The only recent assessment in the literature ends with the words "Computationalism is dead". Basic common sense dictates that if you are really keen on real AGI that is scientifically viable, then a diversity of approaches is advisable. According to Ben that seems to be the way of the group as a whole. I take some comfort from this. The necessary diversity requires all manner of multidisciplinary scientists become interested and contribute. I intend to be one of those.

So having 'shaken the tree' I'll leave it at that for now. I'll come back with publications to discuss and we can pick up the science of AGI from there. The first paper will be an objective test for P-consciousness in an artificial agent. A test I hope everyone's AGI candidates will be subjected to....so, back to work for me.


Colin Hales

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