On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Russel, in what capacity do you use that language?

In all capacities, for both hand written and machine generated content.

> Do AI algorithms
> write in it?

That's the idea, once said AI algorithms are implemented.

> Where primitive operations come from?

An appropriately chosen subset of the Lisp primitives.

> From
> what you described, depending on the answers, it looks like a simple
> hand-written lambda-calculus-like language with interpreter might be
> better than a real lisp with all its bells and whistles.

Yes, that's an intuitively appealing idea, which is why I started off
there. But it turns out there is no natural boundary; the simple
interpreted language always ends up needing more features until one is
forced to acknowledge that it does, in fact, have to be a full
programming language. Furthermore, much of the runtime ends up being
spent in the object language; while machine efficiency isn't important
enough to spend project resources implementing a compiler, given that
other people have already implemented highly optimizing Lisp
compilers, it's advantageous to use them.

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