On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Russell Wallace
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'd write it in a separate language, developed for human programmers,
>> but keep the language with which AI interacts minimalistic, to
>> understand how it's supposed to grow, and not be burdened by technical
>> details in the core algorithm or fooled by appearance of functionality
>> where there is none but a simple combination of sufficiently
>> expressive primitives. Open-ended learning should be open-ended from
>> the start. It's a general argument of course, but you need specifics
>> to fight it.
> Okay, I'll repeat the specific example from earlier; how would you
> handle it following your strategy?
> Example: you want the AI to generate code to meet a spec, which you
> provided in the form of a fitness function. If the problem isn't
> trivial and you don't have a million years to spare, you want the AI
> to read and understand the spec so it can produce code targeted to
> meet it, rather than rely on random trial and error.

I'd write this specification in language it understands, including a
library that builds more convenient primitives from that foundation if

Vladimir Nesov

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