>> Relatively a small amount of code is my own creation, and the libraries I 
>> used, e.go. Sesame, Glib, are well maintained.

Steve is a man after my own heart.  Grab the available solid 
infrastructure/libraries and build on top of it/them.

To me, it's all a question of the size and coherence of the communities 
building and maintaining the infrastructure.  My personal *best guess* is that 
the Windows community is more cohesive and therefore the rate of interoperable 
infrastructure is growing faster.  It's even clearer that *nix started with a 
big lead.  Currently I'd still say that which is best to use for any given 
project depends upon the project timeline, your comfort factor, whether or not 
you're willing to re-write and/or port, etc., etc. -- but I'm also increasingly 
of the *opinion* that the balance is starting to swing and swing hard . . . . 
(but I'm not really willing to defend that *opinion* against entrenched 
resistance -- merely to suggest and educate to those who don't know all of the 
things that are now available "out-of-the-box").

The only people that I mean to criticize are those who are attempting to do 
everything themselves and are re-inventing the same things that many others are 
doing and continue to do . . . 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stephen Reed 
  To: agi@v2.listbox.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:42 PM
  Subject: **SPAM** Re: [agi] On programming languages

  Hi Mark,

  I readily concede that .Net is superior to Java out-of-the box with respect 
to reflection and metadata support as you say.  I spent my first project year 
creating three successive versions of a Java persistence framework for an RDF 
quad store using third party libraries for these features.  Now I am completely 
satisfied with respect to these capabilities.  Relatively a small amount of 
code is my own creation, and the libraries I used, e.g. Sesame, Cglib, are well 


  Stephen L. Reed

  Artificial Intelligence Researcher
  3008 Oak Crest Ave.
  Austin, Texas, USA 78704

  ----- Original Message ----
  From: Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: agi@v2.listbox.com
  Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:28:36 PM
  Subject: Re: [agi] On programming languages

  AGI *really* needs an environment that comes with reflection and metadata 
support (including persistence, accessibility, etc.) baked right in.


  (And note that the referenced article is six years old and several major 
releases back)

  This isn't your father's programming *language* . . . .

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Stephen Reed 
    To: agi@v2.listbox.com 
    Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:55 PM
    Subject: **SPAM** Re: [agi] On programming languages

    Russell asked:

    But if it can't read the syntax tree, how will it know what the main body 
actually does?

    My line of thinking arose while considering how to reason over syntax 
trees.  I came to realize that source code composition is somewhat analogous to 
program compilation in this way:  When a source code program is compiled into 
executable machine instructions, much of the conceptual intent of the 
programmer is lost, but the computer can none the less execute the program.  
Humans cannot read compiled binary code; they cannot reason about it.  We need 
source code for reasoning about programs.  Accordingly, I thought about the 
program composition process.  Exactly what is lost, i.e. not explicitly 
recorded, when a human programmer writes a correct source code program from 
high-level specifications.  This "lost" information is what I model as the 
nested composition framework.  When a programmer tries to understand a source 
code program written by someone else, the programmer must reverse-engineer the 
deductive chain that leads from the observed source code back to the perhaps 
only partially known original specifications.

    I will not have a worked out example until next year, but a sketch would be 
as follows.  In Java, a main body could be a method or a block within a method. 
 For a method, I do not persist simply the syntax tree for the method, but 
rather the nested composition operations that when subsequently processed 
generate the method source code.   For a composed method I would persist:

      a.. composed preconditions with respect to the method parameters and 
possibly other scoped variables such as class variables

      b.. composed invariant conditions 
      c.. composed postconditions 
      d.. composed method comment 
      e.. composed method type 
      f.. composed method access modifiers (i.e. public, private, abstract 
      g.. composed method parameter type, comment, modifier (e.g. final) 
      h.. composed statements
    Composed statements generate Java statements such as an assignment 
statement, block statement and so forth.  You can see that there is a tree 
structure that can be navigated when performing a deductive composition 
operation like "is ArrayList imported into the containing class? - if not then 
compose that import in the right place". 

    Persisted composition instances are KB terms that can be linked to the 
justifying algorithmic and domain knowledge.  I hypothesize this is cleaner and 
more flexible than directly tying lower-level persisted syntax trees to their 


    Stephen L. Reed

    Artificial Intelligence Researcher
    3008 Oak Crest Ave.
    Austin, Texas, USA 78704

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Russell Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: agi@v2.listbox.com
    Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 10:28:39 AM
    Subject: Re: [agi] On programming languages

    On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    > Hi Russell,
    > Although I've already chosen an implementation language for my Texai 
    > - Java, I believe that my experience may interest you.

    Very much so, thank you.

    > I moved up one level of procedural abstraction to view program composition
    > as the key intelligent activity.  Supporting this abstraction level is the
    > capability to perform source code editing for the desired target language 
    > in my case Java.  In my paradigm, its not the program syntax tree that 
    > persisted in the knowledge base but rather the nested composition 
    > that bottoms out in primitives that generate Java program elements.  The
    > nested composition framework is my attempt to model the conceptual aspects
    > of program composition.  For example a procedure may have an 
    > section, a main body, and a finalization section.  I desire Texai to be 
    > to figure out for itself where to insert a new required variable in the
    > source code so that it has the appropriate scope, and so forth.

    But if it can't read the syntax tree, how will it know what the main
    body actually does?

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