> Strong agreement with what you say but then effective rejection as a valid
> point because language issues frequently are a total barrier to entry for
> people who might have been able to do the algorithms and structures and
> cognitive architecture.
> I'll even go so far as to use myself as an example.  I can easily do C++
> (since I've done so in the past) but all the baggage around it make me
> consider it not worth my while.  I certainly won't hesitate to use what is
> learned on that architecture but I'll be totally shocked if you aren't
> massively leap-frogged because of the inherent shortcomings of what you're
> trying to work with.

Somewhat similarly, I've done coding on Windows before, but I dislike the
operating system quite a lot, so in general I try to avoid any projects
where I have to use it.

However, if I found some AGI project that I thought were more promising than
OpenCog/Novamente on the level of algorithms, philosophy-of-mind and
structures ... and, egads, this project ran only on Windows ... I would
certainly not hesitate to join that project, even though my feeling is that
any serious large-scale software project based exclusively on Windows is
going to be seriously impaired by its OS choice...

In short, I just don't think these issues are **all that** important.
They're important, but having the right AGI design is far, far more so.

People seem to debate programming languages and OS's endlessly, and this
list is no exception.  There are smart people on multiple sides of these
debates.  To make progress on AGI, you  just gotta make *some* reasonable
choice and start building ... there's no choice that's going to please
everyone, since this stuff is so contentious...

-- Ben G

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