2009/1/10 Lukasz Stafiniak <lukst...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org> wrote:
>>> On a related note, even a very fine powder of very low friction feels
>>> different to water - how can you capture the sensation of water using beads
>>> and blocks of a reasonably large size?
>> The objective of a CogDevWorld such as BlocksNBeadsWorld is explicitly
>> **not** to precisely simulate the sensations of being in the real
>> world.
>> My question to you is: What important cognitive ability is drastically
>> more easily developable given a world that contains a distinction
>> between fluids and various sorts of bead-conglomerates?
> The objection is not valid in equating beads with dry powder. Certain
> forms of adhesion of the beads form a good approximation to fluids.
> You can have your hand "wet" with sticky beads etc.

This would require at least a two-factor adhesion-cohesion model. But
Ben has a good rejoinder to my comment.
Nathan Cook

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