On 6/19/22 18:51, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 2621/9 (Power=1.0)
>> VP Wins
>>       If a player has at least 20 more Winsomes than each other player,
>>       e CAN Take Over the Economy by announcement, provided no person
>>       has won the game by doing so in the past 30 days.
> I agree to the following contract:  "Winsome More":
>    1.  G. is the only party to this contract, and can amend or terminate
>        it by announcement.
>    2.  Winsomes are a currency tracked by G. in eir monthly report.
>    3.  G.  CAN create, destroy, or transfer Winsomes by announcement.
> I create 21 Winsomes in my possession.
> Winsome Report:  I have 21, nobody else has any.
> Comment:
> There's a bit of ambiguity in these two paragraphs in Rule 1586:
>       A rule, contract, or regulation that refers to an entity by name
>       refers to the entity that had that name when the rule first came
>       to include that reference, even if the entity's name has since
>       changed.
>       If the entity that defines another entity is amended such that it
>       no longer defines the second entity, then the second entity and
>       its attributes cease to exist.
> Winsomes are no longer "defined" by the rules but they rules do "refer" to
> Winsomes.  If Winsomes have ceased to exist as per the second paragraph,
> they are no longer entities, and the "reference" bit may or may not apply
> to *former* entities.  "Even if the entity's name has since changed" is
> very different than "even if the entity no longer exists", and if rules
> referred to no-longer-existing entities then we'd have to go back a long
> way into the rules to find terms that were repealed and brought back...
> -G.

The above is CFJ 3969.

I assign CFJ 3969 to ais523.

Jason Cobb

Arbitor, Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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