A very rough draft for a proposal. I'm going to hold off on writing it up
until the current mess is resolved, but I wanted to get feedback on whether
the idea is interesting to people

The proposal would: {

Create a Land Type of "Gray". Land that has Land Type "Gray" is gray land.

Gray land cannot support any facilities except those specifically stated to
be allowed on gray land. If land becomes gray land, any facilities on it
are destroyed, except for those specifically stated to be allowed on gray

Gray land cannot be owned by any entity other than Agora. If land becomes
Gray land, it is transfered to Agora.

Gray land is treated as "the same" as both white and black for the purposes
of movement, ie it only costs one apple to move from any non-aether land to
gray, and only one apple to move from gray to any non-aether land.

Set (0, 0) to Gray land.

Create a new facility type "the fountain". Only one the fountain may exist
at any one time. The fountain may exist on gray land, and may only exist on
gray land. Players MAY and SHOULD think of this fountain as referring to
the one depicted in Rule 2029/0 "Town Fountain". The fountain may only be
owned by Agora. The fountain has no upkeep cost, and neither refines nor
produces anything, except as specified in other proposals.

Create a "the fountain" at (0, 0) belonging to Agora.


My goal with the draft was to to;
1) make the number of preserved squares each color had equal.
2) To ensure that the spawn at (0,0) was neutral to both colors (right now,
a player residing on one of the colors has to spend an extra apple to move
back home as compared to somebody residing equally far on the other color).
3) To provide a meeting ground for players for future rules to use. One
could imagine a rule specifying that all players at (0,0) on Agora's
Birthday CAN [do something]. Or this could be integrated into the justice
reform; to rid themselves of weevils/blots/whatever, players must make a
pilgrimage to the fountain to give [currency].

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