Excuse me, but have you seen how big the groups of contiguous land units are? Capturing any unit except ATMunn's lone white unit would be nearly impossible. And it's not like it's gonna stop being that way any time soon. It only costs one more apple to make a land unit that you can choose the color of than one that you can't. I can only forsee these groups getting bigger and bigger and harder to capture as a result. Your idea is nice, but it ignores a larger problem.

On 06/12/2018 12:03 PM, Corona wrote:
Well, what would you think about reviving my suggestion to incentivize
"capturing" land units with a healthy financial reward?


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com>

In compliance with rule 2004, I run land auctions (almost) every Agoran
Week. However, I am not to run them if the number of Units of Private Land
is less than one half the total number of Units of Land. And with five land
units auctioned off each week, we are rapidly approaching that ratio. This
is obviously a problem, since once we reach it, there will be no more land
auctions, and with barely any rules in place to ensure a continuous
recycling of land units back to Agora, the ownership of land will basically

I believe the way to fix this lies in a system that automatically
transfers the least useful LUs from their owners back to Agora every week
if the number of Units of Private Land is greater than one half the total
number of Units of Land. This would keep the number of Units of Private
Land at a nice equilibrium, hovering around one half ownership.

The problem is that I have no idea how such a system would choose land
units to give back to Agora. Okay, I actually have one idea, but it would
require lots of calculation. For the sake of discussion, I'll describe it

Each Unit has a land value which is calculated each week based on a number
of factors. The value would increase for each level the facility build on
it had, for each adjacent land unit of the same color, etc.. The value
would decrease if the person that owned it was no longer a player, or if no
change had occured for some set time. Each unit with a value of whatever
the minimum of the set of land unit values is, is transferred to Agora for

Like I said, that would be a crazy amount of calculation, so I'm not sure
how practical it really is.

Please leave suggestions. We need to fix this before we reach that one
half mark.



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