Speaking of such mics.
Are there any such mics for the Iphone?

> 14 maj 2020 kl. 10:54 skrev Andy via groups.io 
> <meikle.aiden=btinternet....@groups.io>:
> Hi John.
> Why not give it a go my old friend.
> As soon as this Lock down is over, I intend doing just that, Perhaps you'd 
> consider joining me.
> Though this time, I'll not use the wonderful Olympus DS50 withthe BSm 
> microphones, but  rather, the BSM set attached to my Zoom F8n.
> We could arrange to meet at Glasgow Central Stn.
> Here is the walk I've now done  at leaset half a dozen times.  I bet you can 
> follow this in your head John, because you needed to know the city, given 
> your job!
> .
> After getting the ferry across from Kilcreggan to Gouroch, I get the express 
> to Glasgow Central Stn.
> I ask for sighted assistance  when alighting from the train from Scotrail 
> staff to walk me out to Gavins St.
> I turn left , then left again and walk down to the Highlanders Umbrela on 
> Argyle Street.
> I walk along to the crossing at Jamaca St, cross the crossing to the other 
> side and walk down to Richard Sounds and to Kenny's Mucic next door.
> I can usually get bits and bobs in these shops.
> Then I'd go back up Jamaca street and cross Argyle St agian and walk right up 
> Buchanan street to the Apple store and onto Northface for something for 
> walking the hills, like a new fleese.
> Here is the interesting bit,   continue to Walk up Buchanan St and glide over 
> to the right side and look for Greggs.
> Buy 2 of their lovely Vegan sausage rolls and cut through the  path to Dows 
> Bar, just at Queen St station and have a couple of ice Cold Beers .
> Normally I'd cross the road into  Queen St Stn and get a train to Helensburgh.
> Go into the Station Bar for another beer, then get the bus to Kilcreggan and 
> a 2 mile  walk up the hill to my home.
> Now John , that is indeed a really grand day out and there is nothing  Truer 
> than the statement that Glasgow really is the Friendly City, for as you know, 
> the people in the city are just fantastic and you don't even kneed to ask for 
> assistance, it's just there all the time in 3D friendlyness.
> Only one thing John, I'd rather have a lovely day rather than pissing rain, 
> which is often the case unfortunately.
> Very best wishes.
> Andy.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Gurd via groups.io" 
> <j.gurd=ntlworld....@groups.io>
> To: <all-audio@groups.io>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 9:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Microphones for Zoom
> I love binaural recordings. Although, as a wee flight of fancy, for that 
> authentic effect you'd want a plastic head to clip them to, or maybe, a head 
> brace to clip them to your own head to be fully immersive as you walk down 
> the street. Lol.
> Seriously though, I wonder what the most practical way would be to port these 
> things as a blind pedestrian making a mobile recording in a city street? I'd 
> love to try it.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Georgina Joyce
> Sent: 13 May 2020 19:46
> To: all-audio@groups.io
> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Microphones for Zoom
> Hello,
> Not sure if it is these Andy referred to. I would not consider them as being 
> expensive.
> https://www.microphonemadness.com/mm-bsm-9-binaural-stereo-microphones-omni-directional-with-shure-premium-holding-clips.html
> Apologies, Andy, I didn’t answer your question but as the link suggests you 
> are right in that they are omnidirectional. I ham going to see if I can add 
> them to my collection. They would be fun.
> Regards,
>> On 13 May 2020, at 19:22, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> What are these bsm 9 mics?
>> I guess they’re really expensive in price.
>> /A
>>> 13 maj 2020 kl. 00:51 skrev Georgina Joyce <g...@gena-j.me.uk 
>>> <mailto:g...@gena-j.me.uk>>:
>>> Hello Andy,
>>> The better way and professional way is to mic up each member of the band 
>>> with a mic that has the dynamic range of that sound source. So a mic for a 
>>> guitarist is different to that for a vocalist. If the band wanted you to 
>>> make a CD for them this is what you need to do. These mics would be 
>>> cardioid polar pattern.
>>> Right at the other end you have a covert recording where you would have a 
>>> smart phone  or other recording device in your pocket and wear a tie pin 
>>> omnidirectional microphone. Such a recording  will not include the close up 
>>> details as the above professional recording.
>>> Somewhere in the middle of those two extremes is where in the real every 
>>> day world that we live in. The disadvantage of the omnidirectional is that 
>>> it picks up everything, so in the pub situation someone puts a glass down 
>>> on the table and it is now a part of the music. I think every pub has a 
>>> squeaky door, so when someone goes to the toilet, those sounds become a 
>>> part of the music. It is not until we start recording we realise how much 
>>> our mind filters out. If we want to hear the band we unconsciously filter 
>>> out the noise made by the others in the audience. But the recorder does not 
>>> filter this out, if the mic hears it then it is heard on the recording. 
>>> Which actually can sound better than a studio recording because it has 
>>> character.
>>> In answer to your question. I don’t know. It is for you to try different 
>>> mics in different situations so that you learn what you like. But you have 
>>> said that you want a big sound stage which means you want a 
>>> omnidirectional. When you have experienced the limitations of those mics 
>>> you might want to narrow the stage to get less of the unwanted noise and 
>>> better subject matter. It is only you who knows what you want to gain and 
>>> how much you want to learn against how much you just want to get the job 
>>> done. We are not computers so can’t be programmed to understand we need 
>>> some experience to work from. You have done a recording of a dawn chorus 
>>> and it is up to you. Either to accept that is how it is or think how can I 
>>> make the next one different.
>>> Regards,
>>>> On 12 May 2020, at 23:15, Andy via groups.io 
>>>> <meikle.aiden=btinternet....@groups.io> wrote:
>>>> Hi again Georgina.
>>>> I understand what you are saying about viewing  a TV, in terms of sound. 
>>>> So I need to consentrate on an dinamic omnidirectional microphone, to get 
>>>> a wider picture?
>>>> Funny though, for I'm also hoping to buy another set  of BSM 9's Binaural 
>>>> clip on Microphones from America.  These are fantastic microphones with a 
>>>> very good bridth of sound, particually when out and about in a city with 
>>>> all the traffic and street sounds.  Is this type of microphone known as an 
>>>> omnidirectional microphone also?
>>>> It seems to me that now I may know the type of microphone I need, I can 
>>>> forget all about other types of mics.
>>>> It also sounds to me that,  to record a five piece accustic band, at my 
>>>> local pubwho are normall about 15 ft away covering an area length of about 
>>>> 12 ft is achievable using such a microphone as would be recording bird 
>>>> calls some 25 Ft above my head, to the front, covering a distance of about 
>>>> 30 Ft.
>>>> So tomorrow I'll look at the Accessable Youtube and search only for 
>>>> omnidirectional microphones?  There will still be hundreds of varying 
>>>> models though.
>>>> Need to be very mindful however about what you were saying about moisture, 
>>>> particularry when out early in the morning with a heavy morning duew.
>>>> Very best wishes.
>>>> Andy.
>>>> Very best wishes.
>>>> Andy.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Georgina Joyce" <g...@gena-j.me.uk>
>>>> To: <all-audio@groups.io>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 8:08 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Microphones for Zoom
>>>> Hello Andy,
>>>> If you were able to watch a television would you want to stand back and 
>>>> get the whole picture with reasonable detail. Then you want a 
>>>> omnidirectional microphone that you can protect from the weather. As some 
>>>> condenser mics are easily destroyed by moisture. So on that logic you are 
>>>> looking at a dynamic omnidirectional. The quality is dependent upon the 
>>>> size of your wallet.
>>>> However, if you want more detailed image then you would get closer to the 
>>>> television and just focus upon a smaller area but at greater death and 
>>>> detail. The Shotguns would record birds in a small group of trees not one 
>>>> bird in a particular tree as others have suggested. The cardioid pattern 
>>>> is like imagining the mic has  a funnel on the end of it. So the further 
>>>> from the mic the wider the spread. But never to its sides or back. Thus if 
>>>> you had a noisy road or farm machinery you could place the mic so those 
>>>> sources are behind the mic.
>>>> It is fun to try different microphones and see what harvests your fields. 
>>>> If you do use a quiet dynamic microphone you might want to consider using 
>>>> a fethead so that you don’t have to crank up those pre-amps. They are 
>>>> really terrible on the H6.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>> On 12 May 2020, at 18:33, Andy via groups.io 
>>>>> <meikle.aiden=btinternet....@groups.io> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>> Getting more confused as the day goes on.
>>>>> The Road NT1 is a no-no as I normally listen to sounds in sterio - it's 
>>>>> just the way I am.  Perhaps the NT1 is a fantastic Podcast microphone, 
>>>>> but just about everything that I'm keen on recording requires a degree of 
>>>>> width,
>>>>> I'm totally not interested in recording a single bird, though I can see 
>>>>> the attraction if making a collection  of birds inone country or area.
>>>>> Know, for a down chorus I'd be looking for a sterio outdoor microphone 
>>>>> with a wide spread.
>>>>> For example, here is a sample of my own International Dawn Chorus, 
>>>>> recorded at my farm on the 3 May, using the Zoom H6 with the clip on 
>>>>> right angle microphone.
>>>>> Can you guess what is wrong with my  recording?
>>>>> https://www.sendspace.com/file/ox1jos
>>>>> I have now purchased the newer Zoom F8n and wish a XLR sterio Microphone 
>>>>> with a very good Dead Cat because my place is about 300 feet above the 
>>>>> River Clyde, so is rather windy.  -  What do they use in Texas???
>>>>> Hamit suggests that if the Nt1 is not for me, then perhaps  I should look 
>>>>> at the NT4.  So I looked it up in Accessable Youtube .
>>>>> It's about £600 and is a USB microphone, which I think would make it a 
>>>>> good podcasting microphone, for a  home studio computer.
>>>>> So I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment and need to give it a lote more 
>>>>> consideration.
>>>>> Perhaps I can find out what I'm looking for using the link: How to Record 
>>>>> Bird Songs and Calls - Nature Recording | Audubon, provided earlier today 
>>>>> by Gena.
>>>>> Very best wishes.
>>>>> Andy.
>>>>> for ----- 
>>>>> Original Message ----- From: "Georgina Joyce" <g...@gena-j.me.uk>
>>>>> To: <all-audio@groups.io>
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 5:02 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Microphones for Zoom
>>>>> Hello John,
>>>>> Fare point, as Andrew had done some research and considered that a 
>>>>> shotgun might be the solution I thought he was wanting to focus upon one 
>>>>> bird or those birds in a small area. As I pointed out the pickup area is 
>>>>> shown as a heart shape. The number of channels does not express the polar 
>>>>> pattern. If Andrew wants to record a wide stage then that is an 
>>>>> omnidirectional microphone he requires. Not a stereo unless it is 
>>>>> omnidirectional. Of course, if andrew wants that binaural affect then 
>>>>> again it is something else. Thus there are plenty of options for Andy and 
>>>>> many choices and it is for him to decide what the end result is that he 
>>>>> requires. i.e. What size stage does Andy want?
>>>>> There is a youtube reviewer of microphones who dances around the 
>>>>> microphones so you can hear the extent of the pattern.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> On 12 May 2020, at 15:43, John Gurd via groups.io 
>>>>>> <j.gurd=ntlworld....@groups.io> wrote:
>>>>>> I had a look at the link. Most bird watchers want to focus-record an 
>>>>>> individual bird song  sometimes out of many background songs. A dawn 
>>>>>> Chorus is all the birds in the area - not just a single bird. As Hamit 
>>>>>> suggests a stereo mike might be more likely to do this successfully.
>>>>>> PS: last time I heard Andy was living in rural Scotland, so maybe not a 
>>>>>> big garden, but a lot of habitat. I know birds are territorial, but they 
>>>>>> tend to sing from adjoining gardens to, and I'm sure Andy isn't so 
>>>>>> possessive he only wants the birds singing in just his garden alone. 
>>>>>> You'll find a dawn chorus is just as big weather heard from a small 
>>>>>> garden or an estate for that very reason. 😉
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Georgina 
>>>>>> Joyce
>>>>>> Sent: 12 May 2020 14:41
>>>>>> To: all-audio@groups.io
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Microphones for Zoom
>>>>>> Hello John,
>>>>>> They don’t cut out sharply it’s usually shown as a heart shape tapering 
>>>>>> down to the point. Obviously, Andy has done some research and his post 
>>>>>> caused me to do so as I use a shotgun in the booth. Andy did not want 
>>>>>> ambient sound. He wanted to record bird song from his garden. Unless he 
>>>>>> lives in a huge estate it is not going to be that wide of a field. I 
>>>>>> found that bird watchers use a shotgun mic although this is with a 
>>>>>> camera. Even professional sound recordist uses a shotgun. See this:
>>>>>> https://www.audubon.org/news/a-beginners-guide-recording-bird-vocalizations
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> On 12 May 2020, at 14:20, John Gurd via groups.io 
>>>>>>> <j.gurd=ntlworld....@groups.io> wrote:
>>>>>>> From what I've read a shot-gun mike is so directional that even being 
>>>>>>> off-target a little will result in poor quality sound. I doubt it would 
>>>>>>> be the best for ambient recordings.
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Georgina 
>>>>>>> Joyce
>>>>>>> Sent: 11 May 2020 14:16
>>>>>>> To: all-audio@groups.io
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Microphones for Zoom
>>>>>>> Hello Andy,
>>>>>>> It is down to you and how much you want to spend. I follow the Booth 
>>>>>>> Junky who uses a shotgun microphone a lot. He uses the Sennheiser 
>>>>>>> MKH-416. I haven’t been able to afford one of those but I do have the 
>>>>>>> MKH-166 which I purchased used from eBay. I absolutely love it and is 
>>>>>>> my mic of choice. I think that would really do the job.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> On 11 May 2020, at 13:25, Andy via groups.io 
>>>>>>>> <meikle.aiden=btinternet....@groups.io> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>>>> I've got both the Zoom H6 and the F8n, but the only microphones I have 
>>>>>>>> are the 2 clip on ones that I origionally got with the H6.
>>>>>>>> I'm wanting to record the Dawn Chorus in my garden but don't have a 
>>>>>>>> clue as to which microphone , or best type, to buy and where to buy it.
>>>>>>>> I think I need a directional Shot-gun microphone with a large Dead-Cat 
>>>>>>>> windscreen, and also about 3 meters of cable with the appropriate XLR 
>>>>>>>> plugs.
>>>>>>>> Can anyone please give me some advice.
>>>>>>>> Also, My Zoom H6 is playing up.  I think I've changed an inportant 
>>>>>>>> option within the menues.  I tried recording bird calls and the 
>>>>>>>> recording was extremely poor.  Is there perhaps a function within the 
>>>>>>>> H6 that Re-sets the device back to factory settings.
>>>>>>>> I hope you are all okay and enjoying this period of noise pelution 
>>>>>>>> silence to get very nice recordings.  If so I'd love to here some 
>>>>>>>> samples.
>>>>>>>> Very best wishes and please take care of yourselves.
>>>>>>>> Andy Logue from Scotland.
>>>>>>> Gena
>>>>>>> Call: M0EBP
>>>>>>> DMR ID: 2346259
>>>>>>> Loc: IO83PS
>>>>>>> 73
>>>>>> Gena
>>>>>> Call: M0EBP
>>>>>> DMR ID: 2346259
>>>>>> Loc: IO83PS
>>>>>> 73
>>>>> Gena
>>>>> Call: M0EBP
>>>>> DMR ID: 2346259
>>>>> Loc: IO83PS
>>>>> 73
>>>> Gena
>>>> Call: M0EBP
>>>> DMR ID: 2346259
>>>> Loc: IO83PS
>>>> 73
>>> Gena
>>> Call: M0EBP
>>> DMR ID: 2346259
>>> Loc: IO83PS
>>> 73
> Gena
> Call: M0EBP
> DMR ID: 2346259
> Loc: IO83PS
> 73

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