I want to build a 64bit IOS App with Alljoyn, but i have some problem,


Base info:

MAC: 10.12

Xcode: 7.3.1

Language: swift 2.2

Device: IPhone5S

Alljoyn: 14.12 source code


When I build alljoyn 14.12 for IOS arm64 from source code, I can’t find any 
Scheme named “alljoyn_core_arm64”,

But i can find it in alljoyn 15.04, when i use this in 14.12, it will prompt 
any error,

I want to build alljoyn 14.12 for IOS 64bit (for upload to apple store, the app 
must 64bit) from source code,

Someone cat provide help and guidance documentation or detailed steps to me.


Thanks so much.

All the best,
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