>I was stunned by the size of the Cyclamen bulbs.  I 

thought my four-inch bulbs were enormous.  Oddly, though, the blooms seemed 
not to be comparatively larger.  How strange!

You would not expect them to get larger, just more numerous. Look at some of 
the AGS show plants by Google(ing) AGS Cyclamen greacum, and images. The thing 
that always fools me is how they are made to flower in nice neat evenly spaced 
circles when my plants in pots insist on the flower stems running to the pot 
edge and then rising. Maybe with age it will happen; if I can wait that long.

My larger greacum are in pots tight against a south facing wall but will be 
moved under glass if we get a real winter. Not tried them in the ground proper 
in this garden yet. Don't really have a nice warm flower bed against a wall. An 
ancient wild form persicum has survived in a pot outside for some years but 
lost its cental growing point.

Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8
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