On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

> >it's been the same with MOTU, some vendors are just ignorant of a
> >large potential customer base.
> lets not kid ourselves. there is a *tiny* potential customer base for
> the next several years at least, and the existing customer base is
> even smaller.

well, there is a large *potential* customer base, once all the other
*potential* developments in linux audio are stabilized (just splitting
hairs here). ;)

> the customer base for audio chipsets in things like laptops and
> off-the-shelf desktops is quite a bit larger, but anything that's
> actually a serious audio interface has a linux customer base that can
> probably be counted in the low hundreds, if that.

i seriously doubt that.  perhaps it's true for additional companies, as
hammerfall is well established in the high-end and m-audio (and terratec)
are well established in the low-end for pro cards in linux and unix.  i
bet they already have thousands of customer each (m-audio states on their
website, pamphlets, and box that the delta series works on linux, and
hoontech is nice enough to say on their site to use the *cvs* of alsa,
though their cards seem to be sub-pro quality).

i think it's going to take the alsa api to be stabilized (and perhaps part
of the kernel), low-latency to make it into the standard kernel, and then
a couple of pro-quality linux audio apps that a linux newbie can install
and *use* immediately (like reason - it's rather complicated to master,
but so simple to test and see how cool it is immediately, unlike jmax/pd,
csound, etc.).

my 2 cents,

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