I have a TeleGPS that still appears to work OK after spending a night
underwater. It doesn't have the barometric components, though. That same
flight had a Featherweight Raven which got the same treatment, and still
seems accurate as an altimeter. All I did with them was put them in
tupperware containers with dry rice for a day or so, and give them new

Dan Crank
On May 24, 2016 1:25 PM, "sebastien_lec" <sebastien_...@hotmail.com> wrote:


 I have a telemega who ditched into the only river in our launch area...
Murphy law.  We found the rocket only the following day.

I am still waiting for it to dry completely before testing but I am
wondering if other peoples ditched telemetrum/telemega into water. What
repair did you do (if possible at all) to make it back to operational
status. I expect the need to replace the barometer IC  but anything else?

Thank for any help/story/advice
Sébastien Leclerc
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