>Running with no Problems and give me:
>root@fileserver:/usr/local/sbin > mt -f/dev/nst0 rewind
>root@fileserver:/usr/local/sbin > dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1
> ...
>The amrestore command is working fine ...

I'm confused.  You said it didn't work in previous letters.  Are you
now saying it does work, at least with this tape?

>root@fileserver:/usr/local/sbin > ./amrecover
>AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2-19991216-beta1. Contacting server on fileserver ...
>amrecover: Unexpected server end of file

First, look at /tmp/amanda/amindexd*debug on "fileserver" and see if
it has anything to say.  Also, what's in /tmp/amanda/amrecover*debug on
this client?

>The amrestore command is working fine, but it is to hard to select some files 
>that must be rerstored. I think amrecover is better, because it browse the 
>Database for the files (and i can select the files i need?) that i need.

If you're using the system dump/restore programs, you can pipe the output
of amrestore into restore and have a similar browse and pick interface.

>Bye Juergen

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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