"John R. Jackson" wrote:

> >The gzipped files are empty.
> Then the indexing didn't work and you won't be able to use amrecover.
> I don't know why that would have happened.  I'd start by looking at
> the sendbackup*debug file on the client and see if there is anything
> odd about the index pipeline.  Then I'd make sure the server side has
> proper access to gzip.
> Are all your index files empty, or just some of them?
> >[root@mother /bkup03]# /usr/local/amanda/sbin/amrestore
> >/bkup03/amanda/20010213/deepblue.sda5.0
> >amrestore:   0: restoring deepblue.sda5.20010213.0
> >
> >gzip: stdout: File too large
> Let me guess.  You're running on Linux.
> You told amrestore to bring back the image as a file in the current
> directory.  But Linux (at least the file system you're in) has a 2 GByte
> file size limit.  So you can't do that with the large image you're trying
> to work with.
> The general solution is to use the -p option to amrestore and send the
> output to a pipe.  You can either send that into your restore program
> and recover the files right there, or send it into split to break the
> file into chunks the OS can handle, then use cat to pipe them into the
> restore program later.
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alright, I ran amrestore with the option of piping it to split,

breaking it down into 500MB pieces, and it started creating the split

files just fine, and then errored out to the console with gzip: stdout

cannot find file: /bkup03/amanda/20010213/deepblue.sda5.0.1, even though that

file was in the directory that I was restoring from and to, actually.  I am wondering 

amanda expects to see the files in the original directory structure that it was backed 

with.  If so, this currently will not be possible because of disk space constraints on 

backup server.  I ran the restore on a Linux box with the 2.4 kernel, hoping that this

would alleviate the 2GB file size limitation, but so far the output/errors continue.

Once again, thanks for your help.

Eric Helms

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