Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

> > backup server.  I ran the restore on a Linux box with the 2.4 kernel, hoping that 
> >
> > would alleviate the 2GB file size limitation, but so far the output/errors 
> >
> > Once again, thanks for your help.
> Each chunk contains the absolute path of the next chunk, you can
> add a symlink in /bkup03/amanda/20010213/ to point to the actual file.
> Or you can try this patch (untested) which will look in the current
> directory if it doesn't find the file in the appropriate place.
> Jean-Louis

Okay, I did as you suggested, Jean-Louis, by symlinks and split went ahead and made 
the file
that could be piped into restore just fine.  Now, I cat'ed the split files together 
into a new
file called 'hope' 8) and freed up enough drive space to work with.  Command line 
reads as
follows: /sbin/restore -ivf /data/hope
Verify tape and initialize maps
/data/sbin/restore: /data/hope: File too large

Restore gives me 'file too large' regardless of what exact options I pass it, and the 
file that
I am trying to restore is actually around 4.2GB!  (Level 0 backup, of course...)  
/hope is a
different directory than the one I am trying to restore to, but I understand that with 
the -f
option that specifying files across drives should not be the issue.   I am literally 
ready to
try just about anything at this point.  Any suggestions will be taken heartily.


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