On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Jon LaBadie <j...@jgcomp.com> wrote:
> First, what I call a DLE is refered to as Filesystem some places and
> disk others.
> Second I don't like the repeating extra column headings printed 3
> times after the Incr. column.  The headings should be moved to the
> top and the unnecessary blank line reclaimed.  I'm not against blank
> lines to group things, but not just to stick an extra column hdr.
> Two ways to fix the extra headers.  Move them to the top or put
> them at the end of the first column.  I.e. make "Parts Taped"
> into "Parts Taped (lvl:#parts ...)".

All good suggestions, and I can take care of this if you'd like.  I do
wonder if anyone is parsing those lines and expects those particular
row labels, but I suppose they can update their regexes if that's the

For what it's worth, this code is in perl/Amanda/Report/human.pm, or
in your installed system it will be in human.pm under either
/usr/lib/amanda/perl or your perl sitedir ("locate human.pm should
find it..").  Do you want to take a crack at making those changes
yourself, and send along either a patch or just the tweaked version of
human.pm (from which I can generate a patch)?

I don't mean to put you on the spot - like I said, I can take care of
this if you'd prefer.


Open Source Storage Engineer

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