On Tuesday 06 October 2015 09:54:41 Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

> On 06/10/15 09:20 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> >
> > I have been following the recomendations spit out by amcheck as I am
> > needing to restore a machine after the machine in that spot failed.
> >
> > I am now down to this error, and apparently something in the
> > installer did setup the amanda-client correctly.
> >
> > gene@GO704:/etc$ sudo  amrecover -C Daily -h coyote
> > AMRECOVER Version 3.3.1. Contacting server on localhost ...
> > NAK: execute access to "/usr/lib/amanda/amindexd" denied
> Is it contacting the correct server??? localhost
> > What are the correct user:group and access rights to this file?
> >
> > Better question yet, why does it not exist?
> >
> > Because on that machine, with 3.3.1 amanda-client and amanda-common
> > freshly installed, that file is not there.
> Because you need amanda-server

Its now installed on the client (GO704.coyote.den) I am trying to 

> But maybe you need to add '-s coyote -t coyote' to the amrecover
> command line if 'coyote' is the amanda server.

> Or you can put them in amanda-client.conf

On which machine?

Humm:  Might be a step in the right direction.

root@GO704:/lib/firmware/hm2# su amanda -c "amrecover -C Daily -s 
coyote -t coyote"
No passwd entry for user 'amanda'

At least on that machine.


I also tried by using backup as the user since that is in passwd here:

root@GO704:/lib/firmware/hm2# su backup -c "amrecover -C Daily -s 
coyote -t coyote"
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
sh: 1: amrecover: not found

I also tried running it on this machine to write on that one from here, 
but there isn't an obvious way to change the / that an lpwd displays.  
Obviously extracting to there "/" would destroy this machine.

Thanks Jean-Louis.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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