
> Which is sort of what I did Joi.
> amrecover bothers me because that is no apparent way to strip the leading
> part of the path from what you want to recover, and from the messages it
> presents, if you don't just give up and use a scratch directory, then move
> what it recovers, I am sure not about to let it destroy everything in my
> home dir just to recover the linuxcnc subdir.  It may be capable of doing
> that, but the "are you sure" messages just warn that the /home/gene
> directory will be nuked.

What backup method is your DLE using?  Gnutar strips the leading / off 
automatically when you extract from a tarball, so it won't just overwrite your 
real stuff automatically.  The only way it will overwrite original anything is 
if you're sitting in / when you run amrecover.  

You don't have to recover a whole tree of stuff to test, just select one 
unimportant file, and see where it writes it.

If you tell amrecover you only want the linuxcnc directory, that is all it will 
extract, it won't touch anything else.

It doesn't delete the target directory and then restore into it, if that's what 
you're thinking... it will just overwrite the current file(s) in that target 
with what you extract from the backup, if the paths are exact matches.

> Thanks Joi.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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