Jo wrote:

> Gary V wrote:
>> This is a SpamAssassin issue, but generally it appears your Bayes
>> could use some manual training:

> Okay, so I used to deal with Bayes quite a bit.  I spent a very long 
> time specially training my Bayes database, and it seemed to work.

> Now, the spammers are putting lots of junk text in their spam and 
> polluting the databases to such an extend that Bayes is much less useful.

> So I guess I'm saying that I have very little interest in spending the 
> effort to retrain a new Bayes database, and none of my other users are 
> capable or clueful enough to do so.

> Short of disabling Bayes entirely, is there anything I can do with 
> minimal effort that yields a minimal return?  I'm just not convinced 
> that Bayes databases are going to stack up well against the modern 
> bayes-scatter spam.

If your effort was some time ago, those tokens are long gone by now.
The rate at which new tokens are added is somewhat the same as the
rate that old tokens are discarded. I assume you are auto-learning.
It looks like if nothing else, you might have to feed stuff like the
spam in question to Bayes. You can adjust the auto-learn thresholds
down, this might help a little, possibly something like:

bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -0.5
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 9.0

If you quarantine, consider feeding all the spam in your quarantine to
Bayes (after you remove any false positives). Sometimes spam like the
one in question will score low on Bayes, but high enough on other stuff
to get quarantined. I have a relay server but I use the virtual map to
fork a copy of my personal mail to local Maildir style folders. I also
quarantine locally to a mail box and use Courier IMAP to access these
two accounts. I move spam in my account to a spam folder and check the
quarantine for false positives (which almost never happens). Once this
is handled, I run a script to learn everything - ham and spam. Everything
in both accounts is disposable at this point, so my script also
deletes everything once it is learned. I admit I don't do it every
day, but at least two or three times a week. I also have a script that
deletes anything older than 30 days from both accounts - simply so the
server won't croak if I should happen to. :)

Gary V

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