> Ang - what I am trying to say is one size doesn't fit all.
> We have been offered many solutions so far (Paul, Howard, Graham, Mike, 
> Tomasz, Dave's, Patrick's off the shelf R portfolio solutions, my so far 
> insubstantial model) but still many want something else?

Yes Brian,

as this matter keep on arising in the list every now and then (but you can also 
look at how many feedback notes  has received  my message posted in the 
Feedback center)... I'm inclined to think that - as you put it - "many still 
want something else"... that is... there's a part of AB users that don't 
consider this issue definitively solved.

Sorry because you seem to consider this annoying, butÂ…. I'm not the one who 
keep on starting new threads on the subject.

For the rest, I don't think there any reason to repeat what we already said in 
the thread you linked as we all could agree on just one thing: the "best" 
software will not the one obliging everyone to use the Markowitz/Vince approach 
but it is the one which allow both "mathematical and smart programming Brian" 
and "practical and dumb Angelo" to fulfil their respective needs.



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