On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 19:22 +0000, Robin Cloutman wrote:
> Ian Kumlien wrote:
> > Yep, did that for xchat since it lacked it. And as i said i'm pretty
> > confident that amirc has checks for low port numbers, i would actually
> > be very surprised if it lacked it... mIRC and other ppl inspired by mirc
> > seem to lack the "what source port i can use" clue... =P
> I *think* I've seen it accept low port number sends, but tbh so long 
> since I was messing with it, can't remember...
I dunno when that was, i just had the limitation confirmed =)

> >>Hrm... how about a ctcp-send protocol, bet the server admins would kill 
> >>me though ;-P
> > 
> > Well, dcc is a ctcp, ie it starts and ends with \001.
> That's only the initial "here's what I want you to do" bit - dcc then 
> sends all the data direct from A to B - was meaning a true ctcp-send 
> protocol, using ctcp to send all the data too... Might actually be 
> useful for broadcast type sends etc, but not worth the extra overhead of 
> sending it all through the server (no doubt if it was finalised servers 
> would start blocking it pretty quickly...)

well you could send a max of 512 - (nick+1+ident+1+host+1+identifier+1)
bytes / 2 seconds. That is how it would work on ircu based networks
anyways, so you'd loose a lot when it comes to performance. And this
would be all you could do, since you would have to remove things like
ping reply and any kind of conversation etc etc.
(ircu allows 5 lines then 1 line / 2s)

STCP would be a better thing to do, or, superinpose something like
Bittorrent which is something i have been thinking of.

But atm i have only ad-hoc:ed 64 bit support for dcc transfers. And done
proper ctcp parsing for my own client. (I use linux/unix only now)

Ian Kumlien <pomac () vapor ! com> -- http://pomac.netswarm.net

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