Bravo Bernie - again, GREAT comments!


Best regards - Bry Carling, AF4K

---- Bernie Doran <> wrote: 
> reading these comments about bandwidth suggests to me that there are more 
> than a few the believe under 3 kc bandwidth is fine for AM as it conserves 
> space.  if so why does one even operate AM? why not use only ssb, psk or cw? 
> better yet do not operate at all, look at the space saved then!!! I thought 
> most operated AM because they like the quality of the audio produced. one 
> thing the SDR-Iq that I acquired a few months ago does rather well is show 
> the spectrum,   on the local BC stations they seem to limit sharply at a 
> total 15 kc. I have watched the male voice spectrum and with the exception 
> of the S,F and C sounds nearly all is below 5 kc each side. narrowing to 3 
> kc with below 300 cutoff turns those same voices into something that is not 
> really pleasant to listen too.  I have noticed the same effect on a few that 
> are trying AM with a rice box that uses only 300 to about 3kc.  the same 
> thing can be observed with the ESSB guys on the bottom of 80, they sound 
> much better, but still a little strange.
> again, this is good reason to operate down low on 80 where there is usually 
> plenty of room. if there are contests it might be best to simply avoid 
> operating, not only to give the contesters a band, but to simply avoid the 
> QRM created by others.  However,  there is so much racket no one would 
> notice if an AM station was 30 kc wide during the contests.
>  RE  the comments about power, the antenna is far above every thing else, 
> listen to what the strong stations are using, rarely does an out of the box 
> multiband antenna come in at the top of the heap.  Dipole, open wire feeders 
> from a good antenna matching device (balanced link coupled) is the simplest 
> way to go with a multiband  operation. The always perform well.    the 
> comments about " use only the " necessary power and/or bandwidth"  I believe 
> that to mean full quieting and the audio quality of a person sitting the 
> same room with me. It does not mean if I am on a particular freq for an hour 
> or so and someone decided to operate 1.5 kc away that it is my fault for 
> causing QRM to them.  some of these comments sound similar to those I have 
> seen where it is believed that we are supposed to be on certain freq ( 
> channels) .  At least there has been a lot of chatter on this topic.  that 
> is good. 73 Bernie
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