On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 21:41:22 -0400
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Youness Alaoui) wrote:

> Ok, is there any 'python like' language which allows for a 'normal' syntax? :P
> hehe, anyways, as I said in my previous mail, we should compare with other 
> languages too, and as I said, since almost all modules (or was it 
> 'all' modules?) will be in C, why use a non-C layer in between, why not use C 
> ? 
> And don't say that you don't want C because noone knows C and blablabla.. 
> because noone knows python either, if we are to learn a new language 
> (like python for example), then why not learn C (+ it will allow 'C' devels 
> or new C devels to work on all modules, not only the 
> Tcl/python/ruby/.. module)
I personally love C and Glib, but it has a much steeper learning curve
than python will ever have. We definitely need Glib for OO and Dbus
bindings, so that also adds a lot to the learning curve. It is also
harder to write quality C/GLib code when you are just learning (think
memory management and GObjects). So I think it's not such a good option
in this case. Also, python allows for much faster development on the
stuff that actually matters and less time wasted on other language
specific things.

> Also add Java, I think Java is just splendid BUT is limited in many things 
> (being 100% cross platform means that for anything specific we need 
> JNI and write our extensions) AND require a HUGE virtual machine... (and no.. 
> speed is not an argument because as long as the GUI is not 
> awk/swing (a console program), then Java is even faster than C code in SOME 
> cases, but mostly it is equal to C in speed for anything)
Splendid? :P damn man :) But in this case I don't believe performance is
a very important issue. I personally like and mostly don't like java.
In any case it could be a candidate, I'm not sure about how good or bad
the D-Bus bindings are but they are probably good. Nonetheless I am
somehow more inclined towards a high level language for aMSN's core, as
I feel it does not really require us to go any lower. We want to spend
more time on functionality than anything else, and we can do that best
with higher level languages. That is what has allowed aMSN to always
have functionality and options faster than other messengers.


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