Just off the top of my head, I don't think this is a bug per se. I
think it is an artifact of the smoothing (anti-aliasing) under
emulation conditions. That is, since the emulator is emulating a phone
screen with its own resolution, aspect ratio and pixel size, on a
computer screen with different resolution, aspect ratio and pixel
size, the calculations it performs when deciding to include a given
pixel are going to be different than on the phone. So for lines at
certain angles, this could mean including more pixels, giving the
appearance of a wider width.

On Aug 13, 10:05 pm, SChaser <crotalistig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Emulator draws line widths VERY incorrectly in OpenGL
> (GLSurfaceView).
> Seehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/53002...@n03for a comparison of the
> lines drawn correctly (in JOGL) and incorrectly in the emulator. The
> code also draws correctly on a real device (G1) - looks just like the
> JOGL screen shot.
> I believe this is a bug. However, I'm not an OpenGL GURU. Hence I have
> posted a concise version of the code to demonstrate this problem at 
> athttp://gist.github.com/523955andhttp://gist.github.com/523961. I
> hope I am proven wrong about a bug in the emulator, and can find a way
> to use the emulator for what I want to do.
> Specifically, line widths vary based on the end point locations of
> lines, under the following conditions (and maybe others):
> -ortho projection
> -line smoothing enabled
> Note: I started this thread as a continuation of 
> threadhttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> because I think it is of general interest and worth a new start.

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