Thanks. Very interesting indeed. I see that there is a long history with 

Anyway I see a direct contradiction is Dianne's responses:

*The current CDD requires that the API return the directory of the primary 
"external" storage, that is the one you can count on always being there, 
that is the internal storage partition of such devices. *
and this

* makes perfect sense for the original device configurations where all 
media storage was on the external SD card.  When manufacturers started 
putting that storage into the internal device, the name became unfortunate. 

The CDD requires that external storage be non-removable and at the same 
time the API expected it to be removable? Looks like this thing was very 
poorly thought out from the beginning the Android team and made worse by 
device manufacturers.

Also IMHO, the reference to StorageManager is a red herring. It deals with 
application specific optionally encrypted filesystem not the general 
purpose R/W storage being discussed.

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