On Sunday, October 13, 2013 1:39:28 AM UTC-7, farmerbb wrote:
> I hired a programmer to write an app for me, a search engine, which is 
> free.  For the app to be any use at all, you must also install one or more 
> databases (also free) either from a separate web site (link provided) or 
> you download a PC application (also free, and from that same web site) and 
> create your own databases to search.  The numbers of downloads reported 
> seem to say that only about 10% of them are kept, the others deleted - 
> possibly because they found the app alone does nothing.  

This goes beyond the scope of your query, but some tips I can offer.  You 
are going in the right direction if you make it easy.  

Mobile Users don't take kindly to have to figure out a bunch of stuff 
before they know if the app is the one they want. I'm hardly one to talk, 
but I know from analytics that up to half of new users don't make a choice 
that they need to make at the beginning of the app. They are duly prompted 
-all they have to do is press a button and choose from a menu - yet they 

When you have a sample database - you will have a new problem - people 
commenting that they like the app only the dictionary sucks. You'll want to 
scream at them to just choose their own already. 

Do they go to this separate website in their browser? Or have to go to it 
on their desktop and then transfer files to their device? 

Users that can use a File Explorer (which isn't even included on all 
Android devices) are pretty advanced users. The average person doesn't know 
what happens to a file that they download in their browser, or what to do 
with it if it did. 

Even fewer users can reliably transfer a file from their desktop to a known 
place on their device. I don't even know how to give people reliable 
instructions with all the variations on the devices, storage areas, and 
operating systems on each device. 

It's not all their fault - manufacturers have gone out of their way to make 
this hard.  

What I would advise, if practical, is allowing the user to make choices 
within the app and have the app download the files on their behalf and 
magically put them in the right place. 


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