I do this, without any issues at all.

How are you getting your Application instance from your activities?
not getApplicationContext() I hope...

Have you examined the state from the debugger? There may be something
you're missing about the state of things.

On Apr 19, 11:41 pm, patbenatar <patbena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all-
> I am using an Application object to store app-wide instance data--data
> that I need to remain in existence for the entire lifetime of the app,
> so the Application class seems like the proper place to put it. I have
> just finished reading this 
> threadhttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> that goes into pretty good detail and receives confirmation from
> Googler hackbod as to how the Application class performs--and from
> that info it seems this strange behavior I am receiving should not be
> happening...
> Basically, every once in a while when I resume my app in any of its
> Activities (it is still running in memory so onCreate is not called) I
> get NullPointerExceptions because instance variables in my Application
> class are returning null when I request them from my Activity (via a
> getter method in my custom Application class). It seems as if
> sometimes Android saves the states of my Activities but deletes all my
> instance variable data... This can't be an Android problem--there must
> be something wrong with my code.
> Has anyone else ever ran into an issue of this kind? Any ideas as to
> what may be causing this? I'm not going to post my code here as that
> won't help anyone, but hopefully someone can point me in some helpful
> directions.
> Thanks so much,
> Nick
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