Brian E Carpenter <> wrote:

    >> Brian E Carpenter <> wrote: > I have
    >> started the process of going through IESG comments on the GRASP >
    >> draft.  Where something is editorial or obviously non-controversial, I
    >> > will not ask for input. But I do need input on some things, and here
    >> is > the first.  Please answer quickly; no answer will be taken to
    >> mean that > you don't care...
    >> > Alexy wrote: >>> uri-locator = [O_URI_LOCATOR, text]
    >> >>>
    >> >>> I suggest inclusion of optional transport protocol here to match
    >> >>> other locators and to follow best practices for not encoding >>>
    >> transport information in URIs.
    >> > That would become uri-locator = [O_URI_LOCATOR, text,
    >> transport-proto, > port-number]
    >> > Opinions? Objections?
    >> If the resource is really at
    >> what would text, transport-proto be?

    > "";, Null, Null perhaps.

    > Also of course see the thread on Adam Roach's comment.

okay, then give me an example where it wouldn't be null and null?

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