In message <>, Ronald F.
Guilmette <> writes

>I reiterate and slightly rehprase my question:
>Do you people in within the RIPE region see, or not see critical reviews
>on, for example, eBay, TripAdvisor, etc?

we do, but we do not see material which is likely to be libellous (words
have to chosen carefully in explaining this sort of thing because in
this space material can be defamatory but veracity means that it is most
unlikely to be adjudged a libel)

>>note that companies that operate solely in the USA can take some solace
>>from the USA SPEECH Act...
>The notion of "operating solely in the USA" is not one which lacks
>ambiguity, at least when it comes to Internet-based services, as I am
>sure you are all too aware.

by operate I meant that all employees and legal entities are within the
USA, not that the company restricts access to websites etc

Though it is interesting that a number of US newspaper sites have chosen
to block all EU IPs so as to avoid incurring any data protection
liability under the GDPR when serving up adverts ... but they may have
foreign correspondents so they may be making my point after all

bottom line is that if you want to run a reputation site and not be
under an obligation to remove libellous material (not fair comment) you
would be unwise to do it outside the USA

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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