David Walker wrote:

I want to support a reasonable number of concurrent connections.  I am running
a tcl based SMTP filter/server based on the smtpd in tcllib.  I am converting
it to run within AOLServer.

Can ns_socklistencallback push the conn to another thread or will I have to
use ns_socklisten, ns_sockaccept, and ns_thread?

I thought that ns_socklistencallback provided a separate thread for each
connection, maybe that isn't true, but it should still be able to handle
multiple connections at the same time. Did you do testing that indicated
If you really need separate processing threads, I have used two
threadpools, using Rob Mayoff's dqd_threadpool module. One pool is for
worker threads, and one (with one thread) serialized access to a single
fd. You have multiple fds, so you probably don't need the second pool.
I hope, someday, we will have a module that generalizes the ns_conn
module: allowing optional url support, but not specific to the http
protocol. For lack of a better name I'm using ns_tcp and ns_udp. So the
day someone invents the next great protocol, AOLserver will be the
programming environment of choice.

--Tom Jackson

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