David Walker wrote:
> I like the ns_tcp and ns_udp ideas.
> I have the idea that since most protocols are about the same that I should be
> able to do about anything from aolserver/tcl
> Here's my test so you can look it over.
> proc handle_socklistencallback {rfd wfd} {
>         set headers {}
> puts $wfd {welcome}
> flush $wfd
> gets $rfd cmdline
>     close $rfd
>     close $wfd
> }
> ns_socklistencallback * 8443 handle_socklistencallback
> "telnet machinename 8443" from 2 different machines.
> The first one gets "welcome"
> The second one accepts the connection but doesn't get "wecome" until the first
> connection ends.

That's what I get if you use my echo_server. Connections are accepted,
but obviously everything is blocking waiting on the first connection to

--Tom Jackson

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