On Tuesday 08 July 2003 22:36, you wrote:
> So, if shared channels are a "hack", that is not thread-safe, and maybe
> create crashes, what is the future of the "ns_chan" command ?

If nobody objects, the ns_chan will be rewritten to look like:

ns_chan (create, get, put, list, cleanup)

as Jim suggested. Channels are *not* going to be shared
but instead tossed between interp/threads. Each thread
which does a "get" will gain the ownership of the channel
until it releases it with "put". Channels are going to be parked
in virtual-server-wide table filled in initialy with "create"
subcommand. Channles in the parked table can be listed
with "list" and the entire table can be cleaned up with "clean".

That's a short summary of the discussion we had here.

The "share" behaviour, that is, one underlying OS file handle
(or socket) shared between two distinct channels from two
separate threads is thus *not* possible. This requires some
more work and is not that straightforward (if at all) as it appears
on the first glance. Therefore, be very careful what you're doing
if you'd like to implement this behaviour yourself.

> If "ns_chan" will be part of the AS4.0 release, we can warn developers this
> is an "experimental" command.

Not necessarily, if implemented as stated above.

> So 2 solutions :
> 1/ Keep AS4.0 secure and stable : drop ns_chan command, and allow
> developpers who need it to use a module "at their own risk".
> 2/ put "ns_chan" into the AS4.0 release and remind developers that this
> feature may crash the server...
> What's the AOLserver core team opinion on this subject ?

Mine you already have. Depends on what other would say.
SInce we have no formal procedures (yet) on how to accept
or reject proposals, I'd say (based on the experience) that if
nobody objects explicitly, the thing is going to happen.
Provided, of course, that somebody will step out and make
the actual implementation. In this case, I'll volunteer for this
since I've done a similar thing for the Tcl threading extension


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