It sounds like you guys are comparing rotten oranges and rotten apples.

tom jackson

On Thursday 06 April 2006 05:37, Bas Scheffers wrote:
> Dossy Shiobara said:
> > You're right; MySQL is orders of magnitude better than Sybase.  I'm dead
> Yeah, when it doesn't blow up in weird and wonderul ways... And you don't
> mind not being able to do online backups.... And if you think '0000-00-00'
> or '2006-02-30' is a date... (oh no, just tested mysql 5 silently turns
> the latter into '0000-00-00'!) And expect 2 ints added together to form a
> value more than 32 bits to be silently cast to a long... The list goes on
> and on.
> > T-SQL is so damn awful, it would probably be better off without any
> > stored procedure capability than to have it.)
> Some people feel the same about PL/SQL... Or that basterdazation of PL/SQL
> used in Postgres. T-SQL isn't perfect, but it has always gotten the job
> done for me quite easily and efficiently. Different strokes for differen
> folks.
> > Did you know that Sybase silently promotes an empty string to a string
> > of 1 character?
> Most database can't, they just silently make it NULL. Not sure which is
> worse... In fact, MySQL does *very* weird things with empty and semi-empty
> strings:
> mysql> select concat('"',foo,'"') from test2 where foo = '  ';
> +---------------------+
> | concat('"',foo,'"') |
> +---------------------+
> | ""                  |
> | " "                 |
> +---------------------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Yes, those are 3 spaces in the where clause and MySQL returns rows with
> both empty strings and one space!
> Oh, and did you notice how it trims the values of char() columns?
> mysql> create table test3 (foo char(10));
> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
> mysql> insert into test3 values ('a       ');
> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select concat('"',foo,'"') from test3;
> +---------------------+
> | concat('"',foo,'"') |
> +---------------------+
> | "a"                 |
> +---------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> Just to make sure I have a recent version:
> mysql> \s
> --------------
> mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.18, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)
> > Sybase's TEXT/IMAGE support is ridiculous.  You can't create stored
> > procedures which take parameters that are typed TEXT or IMAGE?  You have
> That is silly, yes. But like you say, it's not better in any of the other
> commercial databases.
> > to jump through ridculous hoops with VARBINARY pointers and
> > READTEXT/WRITETEXT?  I suppose Oracle's not much better in this regard,
> A tiny hoop, really. Plus it seems to be a problem with the C driver more
> than anything else. In JDBC, you can send as much data as you like for an
> insert or update of a TEXT/IMAGE column.
> > can be used as a stored procedure parameter -- I'll have to test to see
> > how it handles BLOB and CLOB types.
> Does MySQL still use/support actual LOBs? (as in data stored elsewhere
> from the row) I thought everything was stored in-line and clob/blob was
> just a synonym for varchar(2B), just like in Postgres?
> I don't mind anyone who prefers Oracle over Sybase. But to say MySQL is
> much better and more standards compliant just because you don't like a few
> things in Sybase (which, as it turns out MySQL isn't very good at either)
> is, well, a little strange.
> Just my $0.02...
> Bas.
> --
> AOLserver -
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