Hello! On Sunday 01 March 2009 21:05:30 Don Baccus wrote: > > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=nspostgres+"received+fatal > > +signal+11"&btnG=Search > > > > nspostgres doesn't work as you can see. > > I know for a fact that Iuri, the last person who shows up for that > search, got it working and in fact has used it in a development > project in which I was mentoring him.
I did find advise to set "pgbin" variable in config but this didn't help. ns_section "ns/db/driver/postgres" ns_param pgbin /usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin/psql AOL 4.0.10 + nspostgres work fine. But AOL 4.5 + nspostgres (I did try to use versions nspostgres compiled for AOL 4.0 and 4.5) doesn't work. There is AOL log: [01/Mar/2009:20:49:09][746.3057605520][-conn:1-] Notice: dbinit: sql( 'select count(*) as count fromnotice.messages where not is_send and user_id=2954 and type='user'' [01/Mar/2009:20:49:09][746.3057744784][-conn:0-] Notice: Querying 'select count(*) as count from notice.messages where not is_send and user_id=2955 and type='user';' [01/Mar/2009:20:49:09][746.3057744784][-conn:0-] Notice: dbinit: sql( 'select count(*) as count fromnotice.messages where not is_send and user_id=2955 and type='user'' [01/Mar/2009:20:49:11][746.3057605520][-conn:1-] Fatal: received fatal signal 11 Best regards. -- AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/ To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <lists...@listserv.aol.com> with the body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: field of your email blank.