Per Tunedal <>

> No,
> that doesn't work either. I get:
> Tengo dos *fruser@computer:~$


Then I'm at my wits' end. Anyone?

> I have a desktop installation of Debian where I have installed Apertium
> with Synaptic. It works as expected,
> with one exception:
> If I put an exclamation mark after a sentence I get:
> !": Event not found
> (The same happens in my server installation.)

Yeah, that's not Apertium-related. Bash interprets ! as a special symbol
even within "-quotes, so you'll get that even with just

$ echo "J'ai deux frères!"

You can use

$ echo "J'ai deux frères"'!'

instead (ie. you can follow "-quotes by '-quotes, and so on), but the
safest general method is to put the text into a file.


> On Thu, May 10, 2012, at 17:43, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
>> Per Tunedal <>
>> writes:
>> > Hi,
>> > my list of locals:
>> >
>> > C
>> > POSIX
>> > sv_SE.UTF-8
>> >
>> > Do I need something for the other languages like Spanish and French?
>> > How do I create that?
>> Any UTF-8 locale should do. 
>> Does
>> $ echo "J'ai deux frères" | LANG="sv_SE.UTF-8" apertium fr-es 
>> not work either?
>> -Kevin
>> > On Thu, May 10, 2012, at 09:30, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
>> >> Per Tunedal <>
>> >> writes:
>> > --snip--
>> >> >
>> >> > 1. special characters aren't recognised
>> >> >
>> >> > eg. the example "echo "J'ai deux frères" | apertium fr-es gives an error
>> >> > on "frères".
>> >> 
>> >> I think you just need to set a UTF-8 locale, put e.g. 
>> >> 
>> >>     export LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8
>> >> 
>> >> in your ~/.bashrc or any scripts that run apertium.
>> >> 
>> >> The command
>> >> 
>> >> $ locale -a
>> >> 
>> >> should give you a list of locales, if you don't have any UTF-8 ones,
>> >> you can do e.g. 
>> >> 
>> >> $ echo "sv_SE.UTF-8 UTF-8" | sudo tee -a
>> >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local
>> >> $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
>> >> 
>> > --snip--
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> -Kevin

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