Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks for your interesting in apertium-eng-deu.

Some languages have these differences in tags, and they are dealt with
by means of structural transfer rules, as the usage of English "pres",
and German "pri" may vary. But the change seems reasonable.

I think we should wait a bit for an answer from whoever was taking care
of this language pair before making that change to dictionaries. 

In the meantime, I will ask the Project Management Committee to give
you developer access. It would be nice if you could tell us a bit more
about yourself and what you plan to do.



 EL Tue, 18 Aug 2015
14:58:39 +0200 "Wolfgang Thauer" <wolfgang...@web.de> escrigué:

> Hi,
> I'm working with the apertium-en-de module. For the present of a verb
> I found two different tags, the English dix uses <s n="pres"/>, the
> German dix uses <s n="pri"/>, apertium-en-de.en.dix  <s n="vblex"/><s
> n="pres"/> apertium-en-de.de.dix  <s n="vblex"/><s n="pri"/>
> so the translator could not find the corresponding translations. In
> the German dix I changed all <s n="pri"/> to <s n="pres"/> and now
> the translation of verbs works.
> I would like to commit these, how can I get commit access to the
> apertium-en-de modul? My sourceforge username is wolfgangth.
> Thanks,
> Wolfgang
> P.S.
> I also add some new words and pardefs to the German dix.
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