Thank you about your suggestions what are the most needed improvements in
next releases. 

As usually, the conclusion of all your comments is simply, that I have to
improve and change *everything* ;-)

I was in fact thinking mainly about changes in default configuration, not
changes in code... so main change in configuration will be removing
unnecessary Waitfor/Receive, and commenting out "external/smtp" and
"external/pop3", as it is confusing sometimes, especially if you have
Autodial No, which already is and always will be default (dialer must be
configured first, before you can autodial...). And I will add some free
mouse driver to Arachne package, to simplify running Arachne in raw
Windows 9x DOS mode.

I can relatively easily add new ways to autodetect modems, if you can give
me tips which autodetect process works for your modem - I have changed
my original "ATZ" request to "ATH" - but maybe I should try both "ATZ" and
"ATH", as some modems correctly reply to first string and some to
second... but which one should I try first, and which latter ?

(Arachne WWW browser for DOS+Linux / Webhosting / MP3streaming)

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