Eric S. Emerson wrote:
> Hi Glenn, Clarence,
>                    I'm not sure exactly what goes wrong
> but I'm still not online with A1.66. I found epppdd doesn't
> work for me with either A1.64 or A1.66. I can't load epppdd
> high, it always loads low. It also seems that once I try
> epppdd then I have to re-boot to get A1.64 to work again
> with epppd.

Hi Eric;
To eliminate one variable, stick with EPPPD and load it low by choice.
If you get online, then you can worry about getting more low memory.

And talking about memory, how much HIGH memory have you had free in
these attempts to load EPPPD(d) hi ?

-  Clarence Verge
-  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit:

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