Excerpt from Day Brown:

> So, a modular system, that did the text in text mode, and the
> surfing in gui would make more sense. Arachne came pretty close,
> but my local isp did something, and dos wont logon any more.
> Even so, it wouldnt do usenet. Which is kinda curious for a tool
> for lower power systems. the alternative to usenet is crap like
> the Yahoo's or AOL, and a few scattered hosts like Arachne's.

> I rather like Usenet, it feels kinda like CSPAN, no glitz.

> As recall, Opera dont have usenet either. the only tool which
> I found that had private mail, usenet, surfing, and online credit
> card functionality was netscape. I guess OE does that too, but I
> dont do windoz.

Does the DOS Internet software not log on at all, or does it log on but leave
you without correct DNS, so you can't find anything by name?  I think
Sam Heywood suggested that possibility, in which case LSPPP might work.  But
little changes at the ISP's end can play havoc with DOS Internet software
regarding logging in.  I made LSPPP work with a different dialer, CHAT0.EXE
from DOSPPPD.  EPPPD wouldn't make IP connection with the new PCI hardware
modem, though CHAT.EXE or CHAT0.EXE dialed OK, and so did MINITERM.EXE which
comes with Arachne.  If you can log on but not find anything by name, try
something where you know the IP address.  It still seems that DOS will not be
able to keep up with advances in hardware and Internet protocols, and there is
much better future with Linux.

UKA_PPP 1.7x2 aka NOS-BOX 2.05 works for Usenet, but I think this is lame-duck
software, don't expect any more updates; also becoming more difficult to find
on the Internet.

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