On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 20:23:38 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time), Jeffrey Lee wrote:

> * Amiga & GP2X display code has been modified to use the palettised 
> driver. So with any luck both those platforms will work with only minimal 
> fixes. However I haven't tried to add any endian swapping code, so you 
> might need to sort that out yourself, Chris. The routines which do the 
> data copying are in arch/displaydev.c, so that's probably the first place 
> to start. I have a feeling it might be easiest to write seperate versions 
> for big-endian hosts.

I've finally got round to having a proper look at the Amiga display
code.  The problem was that the palette wasn't being set, due to
SetRGB32() taking a 32-bit left-aligned value for each colour
component (I don't understand either; some sort of over-optimistic
planning of how many colours would be needed in the future!)

Patch attached.

However, the endianness is wrong for the display as expected.  I don't
know how to change this, as displaydev.c calls BitCopy(),
BitCopyExpand() and even memcpy() to move the data into the display
buffer (and I imagine messing with those is going to upset other

Ideally the display needs to be big endian (or endian-neutral) all the
way through.  Any ideas?


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