On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Chandana Napagoda <chand...@wso2.com>

> Hi All,
> While analyzing store requirements of C5 based products(IoT, APIM), we
> have few areas to be clarified. Based on the current understanding, C5
> based store will not be bound into existing governance aspects. This should
> be a store framework with listing and searching capabilities.
> Should we consider generic metadata-based asset model for C5 based Store?
​I think based on the use-case we have to decide on this.​

​Eg:- If the actual asset is downloadable, metadata+actual data object can
be stored​. At the same time one can provide a CDN link to download the
same object.

​From a store POV its good if we can provision both the capabilities.

> Does asset authoring(publisher) should be implemented with the store, or
> relevant product team should implement it based on their use case?
​If we are to discontinue publishing capabilities, at what point we do the
negotiation part between store and publisher?​ Are we to provide APIs to
create asset model then put the actual content etc ?

​Are we going to deviate from the current extension model?​

> Does store needs to support multi-tenancy or are we moving to the
> different tenant-based container approach?
​We should follow the same c5 based model, which is container per
tenant(correct me if i'm wrong). ​

> Regards,
> Chandana
> --
> *Chandana Napagoda*
> Associate Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc. - http://wso2.org
> *Email  :  chand...@wso2.com <chand...@wso2.com>**Mobile : +94718169299
> <%2B94718169299>*
> *Blog  :    http://cnapagoda.blogspot.com <http://cnapagoda.blogspot.com>
> | http://chandana.napagoda.com <http://chandana.napagoda.com>*
> *Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/chandananapagoda
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