My point of view

a)       I am not sure why educational institutions are not able to pay the 
fees for other categories of usage, or why they need an exception.

ARIN staff would need to decide if the application satisfies this: “a volunteer 
group, not-for-profit, non-profit, or charitable organization”

I’ve been involved with enough community groups to know that two of these have 
weak governance structures that fail when there are conflicts (a volunteer 
group and being a non-core aspect of a charitable organization), inevitably 
leading to the collapse of the organization. I’m not going to prejudge that 
debate here, but consider striking them. If the community organization doesn’t 
have 501(c)3 status in the US they are leaving out the opportunity to save 
money and get grants.

Without a legal entity ‘owning’ the space how would ARIN know they were dealing 
with, who is legally allowed to dispose of the space, etc.

b)      Who cares if they provide ‘other Information Technology services’ to 
their community; we’re talking about internet access here

c)       ‘Persons or entities’ seems redundant (It is like saying ‘people or 
not people’); who/what are the not a person and not an entity that are excluded?

d)      I am not sure what is considered critical? Digging ditches? Pulling 
fiber? Responding to ARIN requests? Filing forms with the IRS?

As an example I’m on the board of a non-profit. We decide on the aims, manage 
the membership, etc. but we pay [independent 1099] contractors for services 
(editing and printing the newsletter, performing at concerts, concert sound, 
etc.). Some of these are non-critical (the newsletter), some are critical (the 
performers), volunteers some critical things (IRS tax returns, state 
registrations) and some non-critical things (run the website)

So I think I end up with something with fewer words.

“A community network is a network organized and operated by a volunteer group, 
not-for-profit, non-profit, or charitable organization

 for the purpose of providing free or low-cost connectivity within their 
community. Volunteers play a large role in directing the activity of the 
organization, but some functions may be handled by paid staff.”


“2.11 Community Network

A community network is a network organized and operated by a volunteer

group, not-for-profit, non-profit, charitable organization, or

educational institution for the purpose of providing free or low-cost

connectivity, or other Information Technology services to persons or

entities within their community. Critical functions may be handled by

paid staff, but volunteers play a large role in offering services

available through community networks.”

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