In the 19th century Britain as a democratic monarchy and France as a
democratic republic engaged in extensive empire-building, which was very popular at
home.  As Deirdre McCloskey loves to say, for Britain (and France) empire was a
major consumption good.  The empire allowed even the lower class Britons to be
lords of the earth.

In a message dated 4/23/04 11:33:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Would the fact that more countries are democratic - the biggest military
>powers (except China) are democratic anyway have got something to do with
>the absence of recolonisation, despite military gap, as democracies
>ostensibly do not go to war with each other.  Nevertheless, most
>decolonisation occurred in the 1960s.  Four decades is too short a time
>assume that it would not happen again.
>Bart JP

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