I think the median voter has the following preferences concerning
adoption: same race parents > parents different race > no adoption.

Bryan's point is that adoption workers seem to prefer:
same race parents > no adoption > parents different race.

The MVT would predict otherwise. I claim that capture of the adoption
business prevents the MVT result. Is there survey evidence that 
the median voter and adoptions workers have the same preferences?


> In this case I don't think the adoption workers preferences are very far
> from the median voter's preferences regarding general adoption policies.
> Yes, I think: people are basically afraid of someone taking their kids,
> and people are not in fact very comfortable with trans-racial adoption.
> Fabio wrote:
> >A more probably chain of causation is: adoption workers get legislation
> >passed giving them jurisdiction over adoptions (called "usurptation"
> >in some academic circles), then set up self-perpetuating mechanisms
> >that enforce unpopular policies.  Since little is to be gained
> >from combatting these policies, few people bother to fight it.

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