Greetings List!!!

I've setup a series of HTML Email templates for one of our customers that
successfully sends under various conditions when the end-user list in the
entry has an email address- everything works perfectly!

Now, this customer wants to be able to make a printout to be snail-mailed to
end-users that do not have email addresses.

I had two thoughts on how to do this, but neither has been successful:

1) Create a View Field, with a Set Field action that pulls the HTML Email
Template, then the user can right-click and print.

2) Send the user to an HTML webpage that displays the HTML Email Template.

I prefer #1, since any updates will be applied to "both" x-mails at the same
time, however, on neither of these options have I been able to get the
values to populate (e.g. #$$Last Name$$# in the email is still #$$Last
Name$$# in the View field, even though the Last Name should display "Smith"

Any ideas? My only other thought was to email the user, and they would then
print from their email, though this would involve several more steps and a
waiting period, which they would prefer to avoid.

Thanks SOOO much!!!

Shawn Stonequist
EMNS, Inc.

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